Dirkshof donates for FEED school project in South Africa
School children, their families and teachers receive a locally produced portion of Vitality Booster Porridge every day - often the only meal of the day - as well as education on balanced nutrition and its positive effect on health and the immune system. Since 2020, FEED, together with founding partner SUNfarming and with the help of funding from the DEG/KfW Covid-19 Response Program and other donations, has already been able to distribute more than 2.6 million Vitality Porridge portions to schools. The ingredients of the porridge are grown locally, including in an agro-solar plant; organically grown medicinal herbs are added to the corn porridge, which promote the natural immune system and are important for the healthy development of children. In sustainable agricultural production, FEED also supports the training of unemployed people with the help of donations from private and public donors, enabling them to become self-sufficient and find new jobs.
Link to the accompanying film of SUNfarming
Link to the press release