„Passive radar system“ (PARASOL)

Our aviation warning system – For the protection of human and nature.

Dirkshof strives to innovate all aspects of wind energy generation. Together with Fraunhofer FHR, the Dirkshof team is developing a modern concept for the detection of, and warning to aviation traffic for community energy projects.

Wind energy plants over 100m tall present a risk to aviation traffic – especially during nighttime, fog and stormy weather. The Air Traffic Act dictates wind plants over 100m tall must include an aviation warning system. Traditionally, warning systems consist of a red flashing light placed at the top of the plant. However, this can disturb local residents and wildlife. 
The „passive radar system“ provides a new solution – warning aviation traffic whilst not disturbing local residents. Only when an aircraft approaches the wind turbine is the warning light activated. The system uses existing radio signals and does not transmit radar radiation. This creates an affordable safety system, that considerate to both local residents and wildlife.
The prototype system has been successfully operating on three wind turbines located in the Reußenköge wind park since October 2013. The system can be recognized through its antenna and the attached transparent protective covers on the towers.
The test mode with the adequate signalling will only be planned after the licensing of the system (in spring 2018). After its successful licensing the first series will be launched across the world. The slogan is: ‘The night shall remain dark’.

Video of development, function and impact area of Parasol

Sales Handout dated 2022

Parasol - the operational way to dark nights

  • PARASOL, so the night will remain dark.

  • Your reliable partner for renewable energies.

  • Your reliable partner for renewable energies.

  • Whatever we start, we will conclude.

  • German Expertise in wind energy – since 1989

  • It's our word that counts.


Sönke Nissen-Koog 58
25821 Reußenköge